Optimal Wellness Blog by Kristie

Your Body is Designed to Feel Great!

So many of us have become so accustomed to feeling lousy all of the time, that we have forgotten how amazing our bodies are designed to make us feel. Our bodies are designed to feel Great! We are designed for health, good energy, speed, agility, endurance, healthy aging, and to meet new challenges. We are designed to

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Simple Beet Salad with Arugala

Beets are a wonderful root vegetable and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. I love to juice them and roast them. I also love them on salads. Enjoy this delicious simple beet salad with arugula, grapefruit, and simple homemade dressing. Ingredients: 1 large red beet 1 large golden beet 1 jalapeno, seeded 3T lemon juice

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Juicing Tips

Why Juice: Juices are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and are the quickest way in which your body can digest nutrients. I use juicing over smoothies when I feel like I need a highly concentrated nutrient boost for my energy and immune system. For example, when: I am highly stressed, feeling a cold coming on, recovering from

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Washing Produce

There are many precautions to take when preparing produce for salads, smoothies and juicing. The precautions are important to prevent contamination of the produce from E. Coli, handling, pesticides, and other bacteria. These precautions extend to shopping, washing and properly storing, produce. For Example: When shopping, choose unbruised and undamaged produce. Select organic when possible. Wash your

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7 Steps to Success

When it comes to wellness success, there is a simple 7 step formula to follow. It’s easy-peesy. But like most things that are good for your personal progress, health, wellness and overall success in life: the steps are easy to-do, but also easy Not to-do. It’s in the Doing that the success happens. Step 1. Show-UP! Show-up

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5 Daily Do’s

5 Daily Do's

Being better than yesterday is a daily goal for me. It helps me to keep moving forward; with love and forgiveness for being human 🙂 I love tell myself: keep moving forward, and make it happen; motivational and inspiring for daily progress. I have 5 tasks that I perform daily to help me do-better, and be-better. When

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Preparing My Body for Surgery: Surgery Stress Prep

Preparing My Body for Surgery: Surgery Stress Prep

This is me. Hours after adominal surgery. No make-up. Hospital bed-head. I’m Sore. I’m Achey. I’m in Pain. I’m having difficulty standing up straight, feeling the tug, pull and strain of the incision on my stomach, and getting ready for my first post-surgery walk with my trusty IV pole. This my 2nd surgery in 6 weeks. I had adhesions

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Couscous with Roasted Chickpeas

Couscous with Roasted Chickpeas

Couscous with Roasted Chickpeas is a delcious, simple and healthy way to boost your protein, antioxidants, and overall nutrition. This recipe can be as versatile as you want it to be–add roasted carrots and bell peppers, for more flavor and color, or add chopped nuts for omegas, crunch, and texture. Couscous is named after the cooking pot

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Sweet Potato Pizza Crust

Sweet Potato Pizza Crust

Sweet Potato Pizza Crust is a fun way to boost your nutrition, vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants while enjoying a family favorite–PIZZA! Sweet potatoes are loaded with nutrition. Just one cup will provide you with vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins: 2,3, 5, 6, 11, copper, potassium and fiber. Delicious, filing, and versatile, I use sweet potatoes as

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Honey-Sweetened Carrots

Honey-Sweetened Carrots

Carrots are great addition to any meal. The color just gives you energy looking at it! It’s the betacarotine that gives it the brilliant orange color, and provides massive nutritional density. Carrots are packed with: fiber, anitoxidants, and vitamins. Carrots are rich in: K, C, B5, and B8. Carrots are a good source of iron, folate and

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