Archive for the Healthy Aging Category

Hormones Done Right: 8 Rights of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormones are important chemical messengers that work to maintain balance within the body. Hormones reduce inflammation, reduce auto-immune disease, reduce cancer risk, reduce disease risk and promote healthy aging. Need proof of this? Beyond the 100’s of studies that provide objective proof, Go no further than your own life: How did your body function between the ages

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Daily Affirmations

THE  MIND IS POWERFUL Mindset has everything to do with your health and happiness. A positive mind can shift a sick and diseased body to a healthy body A positive mind can help the body effortlessly lose weight and unhealthy energy A positive mind can manifest the life You want to Live One tool for boosting your mindset

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Cooking Food at Lower Temperature

How we process and cook our food may be equally as important as the sourcing of our food, and the nutrition in our food—now more than ever–due to the consistent processing and over-cooking of meat and other foods in the American diet, along with the popularity of paleo and ketogenic diets. So this begs the question: How

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Abdominal Massage

Massaging the abdomen helps to dislodge toxins, promote healthy digestion, and improve bowel movements by stimulating the muscles and organs required to produce a bowel movement. If your bowels are sluggish, make sure you are drinking plenty of water (2-3 quarts daily) to prevent constipation and to help flush out toxins, taking in fiber, eating clean whole

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Your Body is Designed to Feel Great!

So many of us have become so accustomed to feeling lousy all of the time, that we have forgotten how amazing our bodies are designed to make us feel. Our bodies are designed to feel Great! We are designed for health, good energy, speed, agility, endurance, healthy aging, and to meet new challenges. We are designed to

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7 Steps to Success

When it comes to wellness success, there is a simple 7 step formula to follow. It’s easy-peesy. But like most things that are good for your personal progress, health, wellness and overall success in life: the steps are easy to-do, but also easy Not to-do. It’s in the Doing that the success happens. Step 1. Show-UP! Show-up

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Plant Power

Plant Power I am not Vegan–in fact, I don’t believe in “labeling” my nutrition beyond this: I practice clean, whole-food nutrition, mostly plants, mostly raw. And I focus on eating this way 80% of the time. When I eat limited amounts of animal protein, I make certain it is: antibiotic-free, hormone-free, nonGMO fed, pasture-raised, uncaged, etc. because I

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Nightime Intermittant Fasting

Nightime Intermittant Fasting

Benefits of Nightime Intermittant Fasting for Healthy Aging and Hormone Balance Part of your hormone balance, healthy lifestyle, and healthy aging plan should include intermittent fasting. Studies show that: skipping a few meals, waiting longer in-between meals, and having a lower calorie meal day (about 500 calories in 24 hours) once a week–each help with improving the

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Fat-Free=Sugar-Full and an unhealthy body

Fat-Free=Sugar-Full and an unhealthy body

Going fat-free in the 80’s and 90’s, has made American sugar-full. And Fat. And Sick. And Diabetic. The statistics are staggering ( *29.1 million people in the United States have diabetes, *8.1 million of whom may be undiagnosed and unaware of their condition *In adults 20 and older, more than one in every 10 people suffers from diabetes *In

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7 Simple Daily Tips for Healthy Aging

7 Simple Daily Tips for Healthy Aging

Healthy aging is a daily decision. It is an awareness that everything you do matters. It matters to your cells, your organs, your brain, your skin and your DNA. It matters to your immune system. Here are 7 simple things you can do everyday to wisely choose your aging process: 1. Drink water–hydrate well and alkalinize your

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