Archive for the Thyroid, Adrenal & GI Health Category

Abdominal Massage

Massaging the abdomen helps to dislodge toxins, promote healthy digestion, and improve bowel movements by stimulating the muscles and organs required to produce a bowel movement. If your bowels are sluggish, make sure you are drinking plenty of water (2-3 quarts daily) to prevent constipation and to help flush out toxins, taking in fiber, eating clean whole

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Preparing My Body for Surgery: Surgery Stress Prep

Preparing My Body for Surgery: Surgery Stress Prep

This is me. Hours after adominal surgery. No make-up. Hospital bed-head. I’m Sore. I’m Achey. I’m in Pain. I’m having difficulty standing up straight, feeling the tug, pull and strain of the incision on my stomach, and getting ready for my first post-surgery walk with my trusty IV pole. This my 2nd surgery in 6 weeks. I had adhesions

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Kale Superfood Tropical Smoothie

Kale Superfood Tropical Smoothie

  Kale has so many incredible health benefits. Not only is it great at helping to balance hormones, its also a superfood due to its awesome vitamin, mineral, and antiinflammatory properties, it also contains glucosinolates–the stuff that makes greens bitter–which helps to prevent breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. Pretty awesome ruffled leaf, right? And if you’ve read

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Boost your Energy with 5 Simple Diet Changes

Boost your Energy with 5 Simple Diet Changes

A few years ago I had a major crash in energy. I was a busy mom, working 60+ hour weeks, running marathons and more. Overnight:  it seemed that My Stamina for making it through the day was so exhasutingly low; my sleep became irratic (tired all day, couldn’t sleep deeply at night), my digestion was annoying (lots

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